The intellectual property rights of all pages, photographs, designs, pictures and texts on our website with the domain name belong exclusively to Fi Dent and cannot be used by any other person, institution or organization without permission. Other companies and their products, if any, mentioned on this website are trademarks of their respective owners and may also be protected under intellectual property rights.

The name of Fi Dent is legally protected by trademark registration and cannot be used by another person and/or institution without permission.

We aimed to prepare our website with the domain name in good faith and professionally in order to serve our patients and visitors. Nevertheless, all the information on our website may be of general nature, we do not guarantee or undertake under any circumstances about the reliability and adequacy of this information, the health comments about our services are only advisory, they will differ from person to person and should not be used in any way to determine the result of treatment alone. We would like to let you know that you need

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